Town election update: Four potential selectmen candidates so far - Hingham Anchor

Town election update: Four potential selectmen candidates so far

January 4, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer

Today, Jan. 4, was the first day for citizens interested in running for a seat on a town board to pick up nomination papers.

Liz Klein, Jack Manning, and Joe Kelly all pulled papers for Mary Power's selectman seat. Michelle Larned announced her candidacy for selectman earlier, as did Laura Marwill for town clerk; Michael Puzo for another term as town moderator; and Carlton M. ("Al") Chambers for another term on the board of assessors. They have not yet taken out nomination papers.

Selectman Chair Mary Power and Town Clerk Eileen McCracken are not running for reelection.

Fifty certified signatures of voters registered in the Town of Hingham are required for a nomination to be valid. Candidates are advised to obtain additional signatures. The Secretary of State’s office recommends 70 signatures. Nomination papers will be available through March 2 and are due back to the Town Clerk’s Office on Thursday, March 4, by 5 p.m.

A citizen who has taken out nomination papers becomes a candidate once he or she has returned their papers to the town clerk's office and the signatures have been certified.

Besides Power, McCracken, Puzo, and Chambers, town officials with terms expiring in 2021 are Peter Bickford, Board of Health; John A. Stoddard, Jr., Municipal Light Board; Elizabeth Emerson ("Libby") Lewiecki, School Committee; Kerry Ni, School Committee; Gary Tondorf-Dick, Planning Board; Robert Higgins, Sewer Commission; and Bruce Thompson, Recreation Commission.

Watch for updates.


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