Town election update: One official race so far - Hingham Anchor

Town election update: One official race so far

February 8, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer

There's one definite three-way race -- for town clerk -- for the May 1 town election, and two possible additional races -- for selectman and municipal light board.

Laura Marwill, Libby Lewiecki, and Carol Falvey all took out and returned nomination papers for the seat currently occupied by Town Clerk Eileen McCracken, who is retiring when her term ends this year. Lewiecki is currently a school committee member.

A citizen who has taken out nomination papers becomes a candidate once he or she has returned their papers to the town clerk's office and the signatures have been certified.

There's a potential light board race between incumbent John Stoddard, Jr., who has pulled papers for re-election, and Laura Burns, who has returned her papers for the light board seat.

There's a potential four-way selectman race among Jack Manning, Liz Klein, Michelle Larned, and Joseph Kelly for Mary Power's selectman seat. Power is not running for another term. Klein has returned her papers.

The following have also picked up nomination papers:

* Michael Puzo for another term as town moderator (papers returned).

* Incumbent Kerry Ni and Tim Miller-Dempsey (papers returned) for school committee.  Both Ni's and Lewiecki's terms expire this year.

* Incumbent Gary Tondorf-Dick for planning board.

*Johanna Burwell for board of health. Peter Bickford's term on the board expires this year.

*Carlton M. ("Al") Chambers for another term on the board of assessors (papers returned).

Candidate comments:

* Carol Falvey, town clerk: “Since I made the announcement, I have been humbled by all the people who have reached out to me. After the quarantine we’ve been living with, it feels so good to catch up with supporters and hear how they’re doing. I’ve thought about running for town clerk for a while.  The recent elections in November and January have highlighted the importance of this democratic process and its integrity.  What’s brought me to this moment? Some family legacy — I was raised in a family where we were exposed to debates on Hingham politics, budgets, and Town Meeting issues. And of course my two terms on the school committee provided me with hands-on experience working with the school department and other town committees and departments. I think people in town know me and the skill sets I can bring to this office. I believe I’m the right person for this position at this time.”

Fifty certified signatures of voters registered in the Town of Hingham are required for a nomination to be valid. Candidates are advised to obtain additional signatures. The Secretary of State’s office recommends 70 signatures. Nomination papers will be available through March 2 and are due back to the Town Clerk’s Office on Thursday, March 4, by 5 p.m.

Other incumbents with terms expiring this year include Robert Higgins, sewer commission, and Bruce Thompson, recreation commission. No one has yet taken out papers for these seats.

Watch for updates.

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