Town of Hingham U.S. Flag Repositories

Photos courtesy of Keith Jermyn.

October 5, 2021 by Keith Jermyn

An American flag is ready for disposal when it becomes torn, tattered, faded or worn out. Flying
such a flag is disrespectful, and the flag should be “sent out to pasture". One cannot simply
throw a flag in the trash, however, as it must be disposed of properly. You have a few options for
proper disposal in order to meet the U.S. Flag Code, which states: "The flag, when it is in such
condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way,
preferably by burning." Burning the flag helps prevent dirty and torn flags from ending up in
trashcans or landfills, which can negatively affect the way in which the flag is viewed.

If you feel uncomfortable or do not have an easy way to burn a flag, you can. The Town of
Hingham Department of Veterans’ Services is responsible for collecting old flags and conducting
yearly flag retirement ceremonies in conjunction with local Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and
Veterans' groups, like the American Legion and VFW.

If your American flag has recently become dirty, stained or tattered, it needs to be properly
disposed. Fortunately for the citizens of Hingham, there are THREE Flag Repositories
conveniently located throughout the town. Thanks to the past efforts of Eagle Scout, Leif
Thureson, citizens can now bring their old flags to the Town Hall, South Shore Country
Club (SSCC), or the DPW Transfer Station Recycling Area.

Lief crafted the repositories with great pride, and we applaud him for his patriotism, motivation,
and dedication to our Community, State, and Nation.

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