Town of Hingham Update on Reopening Guidelines - Hingham Anchor

Town of Hingham Update on Reopening Guidelines

March 1, 2021, Submitted by the Town of Hingham

The Town of Hingham would like to share the latest information regarding the state’s reopening plan and how it relates to Town businesses and municipal facilities.

Last week, the Baker-Polito Administration announced that Massachusetts would advance to Step 2 of Phase III of the state’s reopening plan on Monday, March 1, and also announced its plan to transition to Step 1 of Phase IV on Monday, March 22, provided public health metrics continue to improve.

With public health metrics continuing to trend in a positive direction, including drops in average daily COVID-19 cases and hospitalization rates, the state is taking steps to continue to reopen many sectors.

Beginning today, March 1, the following goes into effect:

  • There will be no capacity limits at restaurants, but six feet of distancing, six person maximum per seating, and a 90-minute maximum dining length per party will still be followed.
  • There will be a 50% capacity limit at fitness centers, close contact personal services, places of worship, office spaces, museums/cultural/historic facilities, and other venues.
  • Fitting rooms can reopen in retail locations.
  • Additional changes are detailed here.

Beginning March 22, gathering limits for event venues and in public settings are set to increase to 100 people indoors and 150 people outdoors. Outdoor gatherings at private residences and in private backyards will remain at a maximum of 25 people, with indoor house gatherings remaining at 10 people.

Additionally, dance floors will be permitted at weddings and other events only, and overnight summer camps will be allowed to operate this coming summer. Exhibition and convention halls may also begin to operate, following gatherings limits and event protocols.

The Town of Hingham is continuing to closely monitor active case numbers and assessing its plan to reopen public buildings. The Town is working on plans to gradually reopen municipal facilities, including:

  • Town Hall and Town offices
  • The Hingham Public Library
  • Expanded Recreation programs
  • The Senior Center

“While it is encouraging to see case numbers drop throughout the region and statewide, we are continuing to monitor and assess several key data points and working to increase our access to COVID-19 vaccine doses,” Hingham Executive Health Officer Susan Sarni said. “Our top priority remains the health and safety of our residents, municipal employees and local business owners, and we are actively working on a reopening plan that is in the best interest of our entire community. As always, we will keep the public informed on our plans as they continue to progress and develop.”

Residents are still encouraged to view the Town of Hingham’s COVID-19 Dashboard and information page for the latest information -

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