Town of Hingham Updates Residents on COVID-19 Investigation Protocols and Upcoming Booster Clinic - Hingham Anchor

Town of Hingham Updates Residents on COVID-19 Investigation Protocols and Upcoming Booster Clinic

December 23, 2021 Submitted by the Town of Hingham

The Hingham Health Department would like to announce updates to the process of individual case investigation and contact tracing for COVID-19 cases.

The state's Community Tracing Collaborative has ended its operations. Effective immediately, the Hingham Health Department will triage outreach of COVID-19 cases to certain settings, including:

*Healthcare facilities
*Large congregate settings
*Early Education and Care settings
*School-age children in grades K-12
*Higher education
*Disease clusters

The Hingham Health Department encourages residents to continue to do their part in stopping the spread of COVID-19. This includes:

If you develop symptoms of Covid-19, even if mild, contact your Healthcare provider and arrange a test at your nearest testing site.
Isolate if you are positive and inform your contacts that you have seen them 48 hours before your symptoms began.
Stay informed through the Massachusetts DPH COVID-19 website here or the Town of Hingham COVID-19 update page here.
Get vaccinated.

Residents with questions or concerns can contact the Hingham Health Department at 781-741-1466.

Booster Clinic Offered

The Town of Hingham reminds residents of a COVID-19 vaccination booster clinic that will take place Tuesday, Dec. 28 from 9 a.m. to noon at the South Shore Baptist Church.

The clinic will be made available to residents of the Town of Hingham. It is being offered by the Town of Hingham, in cooperation with the Police and Fire Departments and Health Department.

Those wishing to receive the booster must pre-register by clicking here. No walk-ins will be accepted at the clinic.

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