Town of Hingham, Veterans Day Observance - Hingham Anchor

Town of Hingham, Veterans Day Observance

October 19, 2021 By Keith Jermyn

The Town of Hingham Veterans' Department is pleased to announce the program for this year's
Annual Veteran's Day Observance, formerly called Armistice Day.

Veterans' Day 2021 will begin with the CPL Lawrence St. Laurent, USMC Breakfast in the
Hingham Town Hall's Central Meeting Room (2nd Floor), from (08:30-10:30hrs).

This event is open to ALL Military, Veterans, and their families, sponsored by the Hingham
Veterans' Council and catered by Hart Brothers Catering of Rockland, MA.

The main event will begin promptly at (11:00hrs.) in Sanborn Auditorium (2nd Floor)
of Town Hall. The event will be led by Town Moderator Michael Puzo, with music performed by
the Hingham High School Band. The principal speaker will be Captain Benjamin Dulieu, USMC,
Operation Enduring Freedom.

There will be reserved seating for ALL Military and Veterans. Following the main event, we will
parade the colors outside the Town Hall main entrance, and conduct a brief wreath laying
ceremony at the Veterans’ monument.

Please make every effort to attend and show your support for our Nation's Veterans!

During the stress of these uncertain times, one thing in the Town of Hingham is certain...
WE will always take time out to pause, reflect, and remember the many sacrifices made by our
men and women who serve now and in the past, and especially for those who have laid down their lives to keep us all free. Remembering them is our sacred commitment; keeping them in our hearts and minds every day in a fast-paced world is at times difficult, but WE must.
“...for it’s when WE hear, WE forget - when WE see, WE remember –when WE do, WE understand.”


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