Towns of Cohasset, Hingham, Hull and Scituate to Co-Host Regional COVID-19 Booster Clinic Next Week - Hingham Anchor

Towns of Cohasset, Hingham, Hull and Scituate to Co-Host Regional COVID-19 Booster Clinic Next Week

Photo by Parang Mehta on Unsplash.

January 4, 2022 Submitted by the Town of Hingham

The Towns of Cohasset, Hingham, Hull and Scituate are pleased to announce that a regional COVID-19 vaccination booster clinic will be held next week for eligible residents of the four towns.

WHEN: Thursday, Jan. 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

WHERE: South Shore Baptist Church, 578 Main St., Hingham

WHO: The regional clinic will be made available to residents of the Towns of Cohasset, Hingham, Hull and Scituate only. It is being put on by the Health Departments of each of the four towns.

WHAT: This clinic will be providing 300 doses of the Moderna booster to residents age 18 and older. Those who received their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine more than six months ago are able to receive a booster.

Those wishing to receive the vaccine at this clinic must Pre-register for the Vaccine Booster Clinic. No walk-ins will be accepted at the clinic.

This will be a drive-up clinic. Those receiving a booster will not need to exit their vehicles in order to receive their shot.

Upon arrival at the site, vehicles will be directed to the check-in area and then to the vaccine point. Once the shot has been given, vehicles will be directed to a designated area of the parking lot for medical observation of residents post-vaccination.

Members of the Hingham Fire Department and Cohasset Health Department will be administering the doses.

Residents are reminded that facial coverings should be worn at all times while on site, even with residents remaining in their vehicles. Residents should bring their vaccination cards with them when receiving their vaccine.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you do not need to get the same vaccine brand for your booster as your original COVID-19 vaccination. Those looking for their first or second dose of the vaccine, those looking for a vaccine for younger children, or those specifically looking for the Johnson & Johnson or Pfizer COVID-19 boosters should visit the state’s Vaxfinder website.

Anyone with questions about this regional clinic should contact the Health Department in their respective town. The South Shore Baptist Church is the host only for the clinic, and the church should not be contacted for more information.

1 thought on “Towns of Cohasset, Hingham, Hull and Scituate to Co-Host Regional COVID-19 Booster Clinic Next Week”

  1. Sorry I need to cancel my shot, because I have Covid . I need to wait before I can get the shot per my doctor. Please confirm you got this . Thank you


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