Updates from the Hingham Pride Project

Photo Courtesy of Hingham Pride Project
March 26, 2020 (submitted by the Hingham Pride Project)

The Hingham Pride Project’s rescheduled date of 5/9 has been postponed for now due to COVID-19 and all of the safety restrictions. The Hingham Pride Project has decided to wait to select a new date until more information is available about the development of COVID-19.

As soon as they have a new date, they will update the Eventbrite page and send out an email. Any current tickets will be honored. You will not have to do anything but show up and party on the new date. If you would rather request a refund now, please do so through Eventbrite. When the new date is selected, if you are not able to attend, you may also request a refund then.

Even though the party is on hold, The Hingham Pride Project is continuing to spread rainbows throughout Hingham. They are following the lead of the movement started in Italy in which Italians are putting up drawings of rainbows in their windows with the phrase “Vamos Todas Ficar Bem.” This translates to English as “Let’s All Be Well.”

The Hingham Pride Project has invited the citizens of Hingham and towns around the world to send us photos of rainbow art of any kind, in any medium, that we will share on our website and social media over the coming week. If you’re looking for a break from schoolwork or movies or board games, this just might be the ticket. You can send photos through

Facebook, on Instagram (@thehinghamprideproject) or via email tohinghamprideprojectinc@gmail.com. Make sure to tag us and use the hashtag #LetsAllBeWell.

The Hingham Pride Project has also completed the design of the custom Hingham Pride Project flag. These flags are available for purchase on their website at hinghamprideproject.com/pridestore. The flags will be delivered during the flag delivery period at the end of May, so that they are ready to fly June 1.

Don’t forget, you can also request a free Philadelphia Pride Flag on the Hingham Pride Project website as well. They will be delivered during the same period and picked up the first week of July.

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