Want to start using green energy to heat and cool your home? The Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant will help you assess electric heat pumps as an alternative to fossil fuels! - Hingham Anchor

Want to start using green energy to heat and cool your home? The Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant will help you assess electric heat pumps as an alternative to fossil fuels!

October 12, 2021 By John Borger

On October 19 th at 7:00PM, HMLP’s residential HVAC partner, Abode Energy Management, is conducting
a webinar on heat pumps. Please see the URL below…

In Hingham, we share the goal established at Town Meeting 2021 of getting to net zero carbon
emissions in the town by 2040. As a mostly residential enclave, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
(aka, HVAC), is our biggest challenge. The Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant has about 10,000 accounts,
and most of those households and businesses are currently burning fossil fuels for heat. Regardless of
how concerned we are about climate change, few of us can afford to retire oil and gas-fired furnaces
that are functioning well and have years of useful life left. But how old is your system? Are you happy
with it? Do you suffer through price swings for oil or gas? Does it fail at the most inopportune times? Is it
likely that you may have to replace or refurbish it in the next several years? Do you want central AC with
options for using the same system for carbon-free heat later on? Now is the time to begin planning an
orderly transition to new, green technology that will place you on the zero- carbon emitting side of the
ledger, which is where we all eventually need to be.

Air source heat pumps that use HMLP’s increasingly green electricity are the way to go. Heat pumps are
a modern, efficient, all-electric HVAC solution that economically provides both heating and cooling in a
single system. This is proven, eminently affordable technology. Forget what you have heard about heat
pumps not being effective in our New England climate – that’s urban legend now. Advanced models
have been tested at thirteen degrees below zero in Vermont (the coldest day they could schedule!) and
they operated efficiently and effectively. My wife and I are in our seventies, and we have been enjoying
precisely controlled heating, cooling and dehumidification in our 1880 farmhouse since we installed our
heat pump system in 2018. What a vast improvement in comfort and convenience compared to our old
steam system and window air conditioners! Each room is a separate zone that is controlled with its own
programmable remote control. The internal units have dust filters so the air you breathe is cleaner.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. HMLP has partnered with Abode Energy Management to
provide you with the support you need to evaluate these systems. Abode can connect you with a good
contractor and ensure that the proposed design of your system will meet your needs. Learn about this
exciting new option by attending Abode’s webinar on October 19th at 7:00 PM. To learn more and
register for the webinar, go to this link: ABODEEM.COM/HMLP. And don’t forget to enter the time in
your calendar – you don’t want to miss this!

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