Warmth, Rain, & Foliage: 3 Things to Know About This Week’s Weather

Sunday, September 27, 2020, Hingham Weekly  Weather Report by Meteorologist Michael Page
Presented by: Hingham Jewelers

Even though fall officially started last week, summer-like weather isn’t giving up just yet. That’s one of the major things you’ll notice about our weather this week.

Unsplash/Timothy Eberly

1. Week Starts Muggy, Ends Cool

The first half of the week, Monday through Wednesday, will be dominated by warm, muggy weather.

High temperatures each day will be in the 70s, with overnight temperatures holding in the 60s. It will feel sticky, too, as humidity remains high for this time of year.

A cold front will sweep away the humidity for the end of the week.

By Thursday and Friday, as well as next weekend, expect high temperatures to slip back into the 60s. That’s much more typical for this time of year. Morning temperatures will be crisp again by that point as well. You’ll be waking up to temperatures in the 40s and low 50s.

Unsplash/Giulia Bertelli

2. Needed Rain Arrives

Hingham remains in what is officially classified as a “severe” drought.

Less than 0.50” of rain has fallen so far this month, when we would typically pick up over 3”. Since the start of summer the rain deficit is nearly 10” in town.

We do have a few rain chances this week, but it won’t be enough to get us back to normal.

Monday and Tuesday will each bring a fair amount of cloud cover, with a spot shower here or there. Emphasis on spot shower. The vast majority of each day will be dry, so don’t feel like you need to cancel your alfresco dining plans.

By mid-week we watch a more organized batch of rain. A heavy slug of rain will ride along that cold front that’s going to cool us off late week. This will be happening sometime in the Wednesday or early Thursday timeframe.

The zone of heavy rain may be somewhat narrow, however, and whether or not Hingham taps into that heaviest band still needs to be worked out.

Unsplash/Tapio Haaja

3. Fall Foliage

Next weekend will be the first in October, which means we’re getting into prime fall foliage season. And the weather looks to cooperate, with dry, cooler weather returning to New England.

While the color locally is still in its early stages, Northern New England will be at or near peak next weekend.

The season is running about 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule, in part thanks to the dry, cool weather we had earlier this month, so don’t delay your trip up north if you’re thinking about it.

Peak color typically arrives in Hingham in mid to late October.

Do you have a personal forecast request, or a weather question you’d like answered? Reach out to Michael at FlawlessForecast.com/Contact.



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