Work resumes on colorful downtown mural

From left to right,  Hingham artist Susan Kilmartin, and Hingham High juniors,Gwen Moyer, Jackson Carroll, and Isabella MacNaughton

By Carol Britton Meyer, April 6th 2019

From left to right, Hingham artist Susan Kilmartin, and Hingham High juniors,Gwen Moyer, Jackson Carroll, and Isabella MacNaughton

Work on the historically-themed mural that's being painted on the back and side of the Hennessy News building in downtown Hingham is back on track.

Hingham High and South Shore Charter School students -- with guidance from their art teachers --are working with Hingham Artist Susan Kilmartin to create the mural, which she designed.

It illustrates the Reuben Hersey Toy and Box Factory recently discovered on Hersey Farm, "completely intact after 100 years of being hidden away by vines and overgrowth," Kilmartin said. "The  project was originally started by the energetic [Hingham resident] Shirley Rydell."

The cost of the paint the students have been using is covered by an earlier Greenbush Historic Preservation Trust grant, the purpose of which is to preserve and maintain historic assets and streetscapes along the Greenbush commuter rail right-of way and the surrounding area to enhance downtown Hingham.

Passersby are enjoying seeing the students and Kilmartin happily painting away as the mural progresses.



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